Nancy’s Story
Nancy describes her experience with diagnosis, The Elliot Lewis Center and seeking financial assistance from The ELC Foundation.

Back in 2018, I noticed that after walking for a while, I started to trip. When my left foot started to drag, I thought it was because I was tired. I worked full time as a legal secretary and had busy weekends. I went to my primary care doctor and explained my symptoms. He referred me to a podiatrist at the practice. The podiatrist watched me walk and noticed something was off. He and my primary care physician referred me to a neurologist within the practice, who ordered an EMG, which came back normal. A few months passed and my left foot got progressively worse. I went back to my PCP asking if my symptoms could possibly be multiple sclerosis. He thought I was crazy because I was active, ate healthy and exercised. I suggested an MRI of my brain to prove me wrong. Shortly before my trip with my husband to Florida to see our new granddaughter, I had the MRI of my brain. Before I could leave the building, my primary doctor requested to see me upstairs in his office.
He confirmed that it was MS and said he would refer me to see a specialist. I found a neurologist at Lahey Hospital. When I returned from Florida, I had a spinal puncture, which confirmed I had MS. Within a few months, I started on Ocrevus. I had a leg brace to prevent any further falls and assist with my foot drop.
After I started care at Lahey, a friend of my husband recommended The Elliot Lewis Center (ELC). This friend had recently started seeing Dr. Joshua Katz. He raved about his care. I was looking for a new doctor to treat my Primary Progressive MS and began seeing Dr. Katz in 2020. I was exhausted from work, even after reducing my hours. Without realizing it, my MS was progressing. Dr. Katz was able to help me with the decision to retire.
I would like to thank Dr. Joshua Katz, Dr. Andrew Bouley and their staff at The Elliot Lewis Center, along with the National MS Society, who helped guide me to select my power wheelchair. The ELC Foundation and the National MS Society offered me financial assistance that enabled me to afford my wheelchair. This power chair will allow me to go places with my husband that I have not been able to go to due to my mobility issues. Walking long distances can be difficult, even when using my walker. Now, we can put my power chair in our vehicle and go off to new adventures.
I can’t say enough good words that can describe The Elliot Lewis Center. They cover all the bases of my needs and most importantly, their support.